Real Property Management Utah County


So you’re a landlord, do you know what your tenants really want?

It’s fair to say that if you take care of your tenants, they are more likely to take care of their rental home. You can still earn a lot on your investment, while also putting a little more into caring for your tenants as well.

Yes, there are definitely some horror stories out there about tenants but to be honest; they are few and far between. Most renters really are good people just looking for the right place to call “home” for them at this time in their life.

Here’s a few tips to help you as a homeowner or investor on what tenants really want when they are looking for a place to rent…



Tenants want to be able to call you if they are having an issue or complaint, that they can contact you and that they will be taken seriously and that you truly care about their opinion. Spending a little time to LISTEN to your tenant can go a long way. You always feel better if you are validated in your opinion or if somebody takes the time to explain something you might not understand you are being charged for. Let your tenants know if they have a problem; they also have somebody to turn to for help and/or understanding.



Landlords need to make sure they provide a safe residence for their renter. This includes adequate locks, working doors and windows, good plumbing, well maintained flooring… etc. Fire safety in and around the property is very important. Tenants also have rights to a code friendly home. Keep up the maintenance that is needed on your property, not just to stay up to code but so the tenants feel like you care about them and their safety and comfort.



Of course landlords want to make more in their investment, but it’s important to keep the tenants in mind as well. Fair market rent is very important in this case. Tenants want to know they are being treated fairly, and when they rent out your property it’s understandable that they expect a fair price for what they are getting.



Generosity never ceases to amaze me, especially around Christmas time! We actually have many of our owners call us in November, asking us to give the tenant a $50 – $200 Rent Incentive for Christmas, just for being great tenants. This gesture always melts my heart and we get so excited to inform the tenant that they don’t have to pay as much in December. Their reaction is priceless, and it makes them even happier tenants in their rental home.

A little kindness truly can go a long way!


If you are looking for a property manager to help keep your tenants happy and take on the extra work, we would love to give you a FREE QUOTE TODAY!